Dux nutri formula adult grain free dog food 3kg with salmon oil
Dux nutri formula adult grain free dog food 3kg with salmon oil
High-Quality Ingredients for Optimal Nutrition
Our Dux Nutri Formula Adult Grain Free Dog Food is specially formulated to provide your furry friend with optimal nutrition. We use only the highest quality ingredients, including real salmon oil, to ensure that your dog is getting the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients they need to thrive. Our grain-free formula is also easy to digest, making it an ideal choice for dogs with sensitive stomachs.
Improved Digestion and Healthy Skin and Coat
In addition to providing optimal nutrition, our Dux Nutri Formula Adult Grain Free Dog Food is also designed to improve digestion and promote healthy skin and coat. Our formula is packed with essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids from real salmon oil, which help reduce inflammation and promote healthy skin and coat. Our grain-free formula also reduces the risk of digestive issues, making it easier for your dog to absorb the nutrients they need.
Delicious Taste That Your Dog Will Love
We know that taste is just as important as nutrition when it comes to feeding your dog. That's why our Dux Nutri Formula Adult Grain Free Dog Food is made with delicious, natural ingredients that your dog will love. Our formula is packed with real salmon oil, which not only provides essential nutrients but also adds a delicious flavor that your dog won't be able to resist. With our high-quality ingredients and irresistible taste, your dog will be begging for more.
Nutritious Adult Grain-Free Dog Food
Healthy Skin and Coat with Dux Nutri Formula
Real Salmon Oil for Optimal Nutrition
Delicious Taste Your Dog Will Love
Improved Digestion for Sensitive Stomachs