Royal Canin Puppy Food - Amanpetshop-

Royal Canin Puppy Food

Royal Canin

Royal Canin Puppy Food. There are many variants in Royal Canin puppy food, it all depends on the breed. For eg.if you have Pug, its requirement is different. We cannot give him a Giant puppy or Maxi junior.

Royal Canin is the best puppy food available in India. There are many variants of it which are available. There is Maxi, Medium, Giant, Mini, Breed Specific and other. Every breed is different. So we have to give different feed.

Like you can give the maxi starter to pregnant bitch or lactating bitch or mother. Puppies at the age of 28 days can also eat feed. There are other feed supplements you can give.

Similarly, after the maxi starter, you can give maxi junior to a puppy at the age of 2 months. You can also give the maxi starter to dog no problem. Maxi junior has different nutrients. It is suitable for a puppy. Puppy can digest food easily.

Similar there is a medium starter there is also the same procedure.


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